Sunday, March 14, 2010

Now ... the Fur

After finishing all the spots, our focus moved to Sally's fur.

Sally's fur is anything between her spots, as defin
ed by us. The fur is a light, creamy glass. The shape of the glass pieces is a bit different; they are longer and more narrow, and they fit snugly between her spots. They flow like a river across her body, swirling around her spots, adding visual interest in contrast to her spots.

Her legs are quite bony, and as Tom experimented, we learned the best "flow" was to follow the length of her leg with slight bends in that flow. More of these pieces are cut to size, so it takes awhile to complete a fairly small area. As
explained earlier, the method of adhering Sally's fur is a bit different from adhering her spots. Check out the entry titled "There is a Light at the End of the Spots!" to refresh your memory on our methods.

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